Mawson Global Boosts team in Sydney

Michael Corigliano Joins the Mawson Global Team

Adelaide, Australia: Mawson Global is pleased to announce the addition Michael Corigliano and growth to Sydney. Corigliano will manage the NSW based clients and is currently working to establish relationships with key businesses in the area.

Corigliano has an applied finance education and used this extensively in his career.  Most recently Michael spent 8 years with the ANZ Bank as a relationship manager for commercial and property clients.  His excellent understanding of cash flow and finance are a huge asset especially to those clients who may be moving into international trade for the first time.
About Mawson Global: Mawson Global is a leader in global sourcing and a visionary in international manufacturing. With more than 70 continuous years of international experience, the team at Mawson Global has the expertise necessary to help your company maximize its global commerce potential. Our mission is to make international growth simple and attainable for all companies, regardless of size, by utilising our global experience to reduce risk and increase profit.

