John Evans of Mawson Global Receives Title of BNI Networker of the Year 2014
Adelaide, Australia: John Evans, co-founder of Mawson Global, was recently named BNI Networker of the Year 2014. This exciting announcement from Business Network International makes John an integral part of business relations and is a prestigious title showing his work to genuinely make a difference in the businesses with which he meets.
Given the nature of global sourcing, providing that kind of value is certainly possible. Because most global deals are with CEOs and CFOs, networking ensures we keep in contact with the decision-makers and allowed John to help them in more ways than purely through Mawson Global services.
Don’t underestimate the power of networking. Because when there’s real value to offer, a little time spent networking can produce serious results. Just ask John.
About Mawson Global: Mawson Global is a leader in global sourcing and a visionary in international manufacturing. With more than 70 continuous years of international experience, the team at Mawson Global has the expertise necessary to help your company maximize its global commerce potential. Our mission is to make international growth simple and attainable for all companies, regardless of size, by utilising our global experience to reduce risk and increase profit.