Benefits of Global Sourcing for Small Businesses

Global Sourcing: An opportunity that delivers more than just reduced costs

Small manufacturing businesses often face challenges that lead to conflicting priorities. While at one hand there is a need to significantly lower operational costs, there is also an increasing pressure to deliver high quality products to achieve strategic advantage in the marketplace. The cost of raw materials continue to increase while companies are forced to sell the products at a low price due to growing global competition, causing the profit margins to remain all-time low. In these challenging scenarios, small and emerging businesses struggle to keep up and just stay in the game whereas their energy should be channelized to launch new strategic initiatives to be able to grow and evolve.

Global sourcing provides promising opportunities to small businesses by reducing costs, improving bottom lines while helping them achieve competitive edge through improved agility to deliver quality products faster. At Mawson Global, we understand that while achieving lower costs of operations is unarguably the most important driver to adopt global sourcing, the realized operational and strategic benefits go much beyond.  

  1. Reduced operational overheads through low cost of labour and low costs of raw materials available through global sourcing
  2. With supplier base not restricted to the domestic market, global sourcing offers companies the additional choices and opportunities to transact with more competitive suppliers on a world-wide level.
  3. Access to new technology platforms, innovative product designs and distinctive skills not available locally. It offers an increased opportunity to innovate and improved ability to deliver superior goods, helping companies achieve high performance throughout the supply chain.
  4. Small companies benefit from enhanced competitive edge through increased capacity to innovate, faster time to market and greater flexibility to respond to changing consumer demands.
  5. Leverage follow-the-sun model for enhanced productivity and faster turnarounds
  6. Ability to focus on strategic imperatives and core-processes, redirection of cost savings on innovation strategies.
  7. Achieve much higher utilization and scalability of resources with quick ramp up/down time to meet project requirements as and when needed.

Mawson Global can help small and emerging enterprises to find a reliable, cost-effective overseas supplier. Our global sourcing services aim to drive efficiency and help small businesses to gain access to new markets. Our global sourcing initiatives are much more than the promise of reduced costs from less expensive labor. If you are small business looking to benefit from global sourcing, we can help you locate suppliers with specialized skills, low cost labor and raw materials, enabling you to focus towards creating strategic initiatives, build roadmaps to innovate better and reach new market opportunities faster.

We’re able to minimize the risks associated with global sourcing specifically because we have teams placed in the countries where the suppliers are located. In a nutshell, Mawson Global works as your extended team towards a common goal of achieving enhanced operational efficiency and deliver very tangible benefits for bottom-line impact across your supply chain. Whatever product you need, there is a reliable, more cost-effective overseas supplier out there, and we’ll find it for you.