Everything You Need to Know About Third-Party Quality Audits

In global commerce, a third-party quality audit – one that’s completely independent of your supplier – is one of the best ways to minimise the risks of each transaction.

Defining Third-Party Audits
Unlike first- and second-party quality audits, an autonomous team of auditors -- with absolutely no connection to your supplier -- performs the audit. These auditors assess your product based on a set of pre-determined standards of quality (for example ISO 9000 or anything you specify) and consequently issue a certification of compliance upon completion of the procedure.

There are four types of third-party quality audits auditors use for evaluations, and each one examines a different facet of the product.

Product Audit - A product audit refers to a detailed inspection of the finished product before it is delivered to the customer. The term “audit” is a bit deceptive in this case since it’s more like a quality inspection.  By doing this correctly you will ensure the product you pay for is what is delivered!

System Audit - The quality system audit is just as it sounds. It analyses the various components of the production system, including how it’s used, who uses it, when it’s used, where it’s used, and why it’s used. Auditors take a comprehensive look at how these puzzle piece fit and work together to produce the product.

Process Audit - While a system audit is typically broad in nature, the process audit goes a bit deeper. It intricately assesses the nuances of the system. A process audit verifies aspects of the production process, such as the machinery, people, and materials involved.

Compliance Audit - During a compliance audit, auditors scrutinize your specified work instructions, contracts, obligations, and procedures associated with the product, and then compare them to what’s actually being done during the production process.

Selecting the Right Auditor
A third-party audit can be extremely useful in helping foster growth and improvement within your supply chain. Selecting the right auditor or audit team isn’t as cut and dry as calling a big brand or asking your supplier to recommend one.

First and foremost, you need to decide if you want a global auditing partner with international experience or one that’s local. If you’re searching for an auditor in your region, find a provider that specializes in your area of business. An apparel auditor isn’t going to do you any good if your company purchases drill bits. It’s also important to review the auditor’s previous work and check their references to ensure their expertise and credibility. Regardless of the type of auditor or firm you choose, make sure they provide advice on creating an inspection process your organisation can use after the audit is complete.

Getting an Audit Edge
If your company needs assistance in locating a qualified auditor or firm, Mawson Global has local knowledge on inspection agents who can meet your organisation’s unique needs. We are experts in global commerce with more than 70 years of experience in the field. We understand the importance of providing the highest quality products possible, and we are committed to helping you achieve that goal.