If you are buying product from China or planning to have your product manufactured in China, take the following steps to ensure you get good quality from China. This strategy is best for hands on buyers who require a certain quality standard.
- Qualify New Suppliers – perform background checks and make sure you know who is really making your product. This should also include audits on the factories and an evaluation of the new suppliers to make sure they fit your business model. If you are sourcing small orders, the largest factory may not be your best fit.
- Review the Purchasing Method – make sure the contract has fair terms and conditions. Some Chinese suppliers are not motivated by your next order, so your leverage is the money you still owe them.
- Perform Quality Control – prior to placing an order, take the time to define precisely what you need and expect to receive. Do not overlook describing limits and tolerances. Furthermore, perform regular product quality inspections. This should be done before and during production as well as prior to shipment.
- Create a Buyer-Supplier Relationship – make promises with your suppliers and keep them! As long as your buyer-supplier relationship is good, don’t bounce around to save a few pennies. In China, business is often performed face-to-face, so rather than cultivating these relationships via email or the phone, take the time to travel and have personal meetings with your suppliers.
Sourcing can be a daunting task, but with a little patience and the desire to form a lasting relationship with your manufacturing partner, it is a great way to save your business money. What other tips do you have for having a successful relationship with new suppliers in China?